BIBLE BASICS For Smart People Who Do Not Want To Be Dummies About God and the Bible Lesson 23 - The Life and Ministry of Jesus - Part III Many, Twelve, Seventy (Cont'd.) Although it seemed at first that the disciples and the church were content in Jerusalem, when the persecution led by Saul of Tarsus was great against the church, "they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles...As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison. Therefore they that were scattered abroad, went every where preaching the word" (Acts 8:1-4). How Did Jesus Train and Prepare His Disciples? Jesus preached to and taught many thousands of people at one time without having any of the facilities that we consider important or necessary today: Immense buildings, with comfortable seating and airconditioning, amplifiers, public address systems, organs, pianos, and other musical instruments, concerts and theatrical performances, fellowship halls, and entertainment and sports programs! Jesus trained preachers of the gospel without any of the things we consider necessary today: Campuses, including classrooms, dormitories, libraries, gymnasiums, cafeterias, and sports programs. He did it without books, typewriters, computers, printing equipment, telephones, visual aid or projection equipment, electricity, plumbing, or tap water. What student today would consider getting their education or training without any of these! Who would think that any of them could accomplish anything worthwhile without any of these? Yet without their success in the Father's business, we would not know God twenty centuries later. How DID He train them? There is a difference in teaching and in training. Teaching is instruction or imparting of knowledge and information. Training is motivating and helping someone learn to do something. Jesus did both and both are necessary for Christian leaders and those who would prepare others for the work of the Kingdom. 1. Jesus Taught and Trained By His example. "One example is worth a thousand precepts." "A good example is worth a thousand sermons." "An ounce of practice is worth a pound of preach." "A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice." How many people have made you homesick to know God? How many have we made homesick to know God? I'd rather see a sermon, than hear one any day; I'd rather one should walk with me, than merely show the way; The eye's a better pupil, and more willing than the ear, Fine counsel is confusing but example's always clear. And best of all the preachers, are the men who live their creeds, For to see good put in action is what everybody needs. I soon can learn to do it, if you'll let me see it done; I can see your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run. And the lectures you deliver may be very fine and true; But I'd rather get my lesson by observing what you do; For I may not understand you and the high advice you give. But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live. -- Author Unknown. There are four classes of men: 1.He who knows not, and knows not he knows not, He is a fool, shun him. 2.He who knows not, and knows he knows not; He is simple, teach him. 3.He who knows, and knows not he knows, He is asleep; waken him. 4.He who knows, and knows he knows, He is wise; follow him. -- Author Unknown The disciples saw THE EXAMPLE of Jesus among them, in private, in public, in ministering to or talking to individuals or multitudes, among needy people of all kinds, among religious, self-righteous people, among His enemies, among His friends, at home, in distant towns, in the desert, upon the sea of Galilee, when weary, when He prayed, when He was opposed, when He travelled, when He suffered, and when He died. They not only saw Him, but they learned to know Him and what He was or was like under every possible circumstance. What if others knew us in so many details and ways, would they think less or more of us. Would our influence be less or more with them as a Christian or as a leader? "Please tell me more." Copyright © 2018 Swiss Valley Web Design --- The Missing Link, Inc. P. O. Box 40031 Cleveland, Ohio 44140 USA Tel. 440-201-6046 Bible Basics Index/ God/ Bible/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit/ Creation/ Sin/ Forgiveness Prayer/ Angels/ Death/ Resurrection/ Judgment/ Second Coming/ The Church Worship/ Jesus' Birth/ Commandments/ Jesus' Life/ Bible Instructions/ Crucifixion Resurrection (2)/ Eternal Security/ Holiness/ Salvation Seminar/ Webmaster