Lorain County Free-Net Teen Chapel

Adventure Series

"The Chosen Ones"
Fiction Adventure Series
by Brian Carlisle

Click here to begin a journey of spell-binding reading!When the Forces of Heaven encounter evil in the world that is affecting the Body of Christ, they do battle if it is Satan and his angels. But if the perpetrator is a man, driven by his own depraved nature, then they call in the "Chosen Ones."

The "Chosen Ones" is a secret Christian organization that is dispatched at heaven's command. Their mission is to stop evil which is endangering the Church. They have two choices: Stop them by conversion...or by force!

Join Amanda, age 16, as she is trained by an angel named Angela, who, in human form, resembles a ten-year-old girl. Then later, the two girls are joined by Benjamin, an 18-year-old missionary's son. Together they will travel the world as they battle lions, dictators, the Russian Mafia, witch doctors, assassins, demons, communists, and terrorists, just for starters!

Book 1 - A Test of Survival

Chapter 2 - When It's Time God Will Speak

spaghetti babyPushing her chair back from the table, 16 year-old Amanda Robinson walked over to Matthew’s food-covered high chair. “What a mess,” Amanda thought as she carefully removed the tray from in front of her two year-old brother.

Although Matthew was long done eating, his playfulness was still in high gear. As Amanda knelt in front of him and unfastened the seat belt, Matthew flew forward, grabbing at Amanda’s long, brown hair. With hands covered in dark red spaghetti sauce, he grabbed a fistful of hair on the left side of Amanda’s head with his right hand.

Amanda’s first reaction was to jerk her head away from him. As Amanda went dodging backwards, she lost her balance but retained her grip on Matthew. Falling backwards, all Amanda could think about was protecting Matthew; all Matthew was thinking was, “I’ve still got one more hand free to…”

Thud! Amanda landed hard on her back. As her elbows bent slightly, Matthew swung his free left hand for her hair again. Seeing his hand coming, Amanda tried to move her head away. But with the back of her head on the floor, and Matthew holding onto the left side of her hair, she had only barely moved when Smack! his open hand hit her on the bridge of her nose and slid down to her chin.

Amanda shut her eyes as Matthew erupted in laughter. Instead of looking like a well-groomed teenager, she now looked like someone had hit her between the eyes with an exploding tomato. “Matthew, why did you do that?”

Rather than feeling guilty, Matthew continued to laugh. He was quite proud of his accomplishment and had enjoyed the action immensely.

Moving quickly, Amanda’s mother picked up Matthew and holding him at arm’s length, hurried into the bathroom to get him cleaned up before he took a notion to smear the sauce on something or someone else.

For a moment, Amanda just lay on the floor with her hands folded across her chest and her eyes closed. Should she get mad or laugh? If it would have happened to anyone else, she knew she would have laughed. “Oh well,” she sighed, “at least I like mom’s spaghetti sauce, although not enough to wear it.”

Her thoughts were interrupted by her dad’s voice. “Should I call an undertaker, or are you going to live?” With that he dropped a cold, wet washcloth on her face. “Come on, Miss Saucy, get cleaned up. We leave for church in half an hour.” With a big grin on his face he turned to leave the room. Upon reaching the hallway, he turned and looked back at Amanda who was sitting up and was in the process of wiping the rest of the sauce from her face. “I love you, Amanda. Hold tight to Jesus. I’m sure He’s got something special for you.” With that, he continued on to his room to change from his work clothes.

Standing to her feet, Amanda decided to use the rag to wipe off Matthew’s high chair and tray before proceeding to her own room.

Once in her room though, her thoughts turned to the revival meeting at her church that week, and especially to the sermon of the evangelist the night before. He had preached on “Doing the Lord’s Work.” It was well-delivered and Amanda had felt it piercing through to her heart and innermost being. She had felt challenged to commit her life to the ministry of the Gospel, even though it could mean for her to put away her own plans for her future. But Amanda was sincere, she was willing to do whatever it took to attain a closer walk with her Savior. She was willing to put everything into God’s hands for Him to direct her and use her.

As Amanda recalled the service of the night before, she remembered how she was so anxious to get to the altar and pray. She had actually caught herself sitting on the edge of the pew. But the evangelist did something that both amazed and perplexed not only her, but also everyone in the church. When he had finished driving his point home about the need for workers, he suddenly stopped preaching. He turned to the pastor and said, “The Lord just told me to stop and ask you to dismiss the service. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t even understand why myself.” He explained, “But tomorrow, I will finish my message and then it will be time to pray.” With that he closed his Bible and returned to his pew to sit beside his wife.

Slowly, Brother Stanton, the pastor, walked up to the podium. Head lowered and evidently in deep thought, he didn’t say anything at first. Then, choosing his words carefully, he began, “I am a firm believer in having an altar service after a message. As a matter of fact, this is the part I like most about church, but tonight I feel something different. I, too, feel we need to dismiss and go home to our prayer closets and let God speak to our hearts individually. Think on the things you’ve heard tonight. Meditate upon God’s Word and listen to what He has to say to you. You are dismissed.”

As the congregation began to filter out the back doors, Amanda noticed that, unlike the other nights, tonight everyone was quiet. A few talked in hushed whispers, but mostly there was a feeling of a deep presence of God all around them. After watching everyone for a few minutes, Amanda suddenly realized that she was the only one still sitting. Quietly, she too exited from the church to the family car where her mom, dad, and Matthew were waiting.

The ride home was silent and the good- nights at the house were heart felt. After a quick prayer, Amanda was asleep. But rest? She didn’t. She dreamed that she was with Moses at the Red Sea. Next, she dreamed she was fighting Goliath. Later, she dreamed that she was with Samson when he knocked over the pillars, causing the house to collapse, and that it was she who was thrown into the lions’ den, then later into the fiery furnace. Amanda dreamed that she dodged the stones as they were thrown at Stephen, and then shipwrecked with Paul. It seemed that she dreamed she was in every Bible adventure that night and that she was the main character in each one.

Many other dreams invaded Amanda’s sleep that night. They were all adventures. This she liked. But there was one, the last one, that troubled her. In this one, she was walking through a town with poor houses and dirt roads. She heard crying, as if someone was in agony, and desperate prayers were being offered up to God. She then heard noises in the background, as if they were floating in the air. She heard cruel whippings, cursing, and all sorts of oppression.

angelThen she saw the angels. They were all standing around in a circle, crying as they looked down at what was in the midst of them. As Amanda walked closer, the angels slowly parted and there lying in the middle of the angels Amanda saw a man. All she remembered is that he was dead and she was afraid. She turned to run, but the angels began to call out, “Please, stay! Don’t leave! We need you!” At their calls Amanda spun around to gaze once again at them, but this time there was only one angel standing there. She was a small, young angel and she stood there calling out to Amanda. In her right hand she was clutching a stick, or rod. As Amanda and the little angel stared at each other, a terrible lion came up out of the ground behind the small angel. It took a few steps toward the angel and pounced. Oblivious to the danger behind her the small angel simply held out her hand to Amanda and said these four words, “Please, come with me.”

When Amanda awoke, the scenes of the man, the girl angel, the lion, and the words pleading, “Please, come with me,” continued to play across her mind.

All day at school she kept drifting away from her studies to the dreams she had had. “What are you trying to say to me, Jesus?” she kept asking. But there was no reply.

Now that she was ready and heading out to the car for the trip to church, she felt that she was getting closer to finding out the meaning of her dreams. That night church started like it always did. Prayer requests, a few announcements, and prayer. From there it changed. There was only one hymn, “Oh, I Love to Walk with Jesus.” Amanda felt her spirits soar in anticipation as she would sing the chorus:

I will follow, where He leadeth
I will pasture, where He feedeth,
I will follow all the way, Lord,
I will follow Jesus every day.

After this one song the pastor turned the service over to the evangelist. As the evangelist approached the podium he began to sing the chorus:

Just to be His hand extended,
Reaching out to the oppressed,
Let me touch him, let me touch Jesus,
So that others may know and be blessed.

Amanda felt the goose bumps rising on her arms as she became filled with excitement and anticipation at what the evangelist would do next. .

The evangelist began by reading the text in Isaiah where God sought for a man to stand in the gap. He spoke about the need for laborers, God’s calling, and our acceptance. Using illustrations from the Bible of how disciples had answered Jesus’ call, and what they had left behind, he implored the youth to put away their plans and goals of worldly fame, and to place their life and future in the hands of their Lord and Savior. He also urged them to be ready to accept His call, to go where He leads, and to do what He asks.

After what seemed like only moments, the evangelist had finished delivering his message. Closing his Bible softly, he stepped off the platform and knelt at the altar.

As Brother Stanton approached the podium, Amanda thought he had a very determined step. It was as if he was about to do the most important thing God had ever asked him to do. With both hands he gripped the sides of the podium, then leaning forward he spoke slowly and deliberately. “The message tonight has brought back many memories to my mind. For awhile I felt like I was a young man again. It felt like the very night that God called me into His ministry. It was a night I never want to forget. I went to church that evening wanting something special from God. I was a Christian and had been for several years, yet I wanted something deeper, a closer relationship with my wonderful Savior. I wanted my life to be full and pleasing to my God. It was during my pastor’s message that night that I realized that giving everything over to Jesus meant giving ‘everything’ to Jesus. Not just my past for Him to redeem and to salvage, not just the present to keep me happy on a day-to-day basis, but my future. I had to lay down my ambitions, my dreams, my goals, and my plans for my life 10, 20, and even 30 years down the road. All had to be put into His hands. My life past, present, and future had to be put onto the Potter’s wheel to let Him mold and make me into a vessel of ‘His’ honor.

“When someone gives up on the future, they lose all hope; but when I gave away my future, I received abundant hope because I had placed it into the Master Potter’s hands.

“Tonight, I urge you young people to come to this altar and give your life away and dedicate your life to the cause of Jesus Christ. Won’t you come now and pray?”

As Amanda stepped out from her pew, a good number of other youth from her church, some older, some younger, but all seeking to dedicate their life to God, joined her.

praying at the altarEven before Amanda reached the altar, her vision had become blurry due to the tears welling up in her eyes. Then, as her knees hit the floor, it was as if Niagara Falls had erupted. They weren’t tears of joy or of sadness, but then again maybe they were of both. It was something she couldn’t explain right then. All she knew was that God was doing a wonderful work in her life at this time. Between the sobs she managed only a few phrases. The main one was, “Lord, use me.” Although she could speak very little, she felt that in her spirit, a great conversation was going on, one in which her very spirit was yielding to the Holy Spirit of God.

All around the altars the adults filed in behind the youth. The majority of adults were praying with the older teens, a few with the children, and the others were scattered throughout. Who prayed with her or how many, Amanda never knew or cared; she had a direct line to Heaven.

The altar service lasted quite a while, due to the moving of the Spirit among the people. Afterwards, there were testimonies, and then words of encouragement spoken, until finally, it was time to go home.

Amanda made it a point before leaving to make her way over to the evangelist and his wife and shake their hand. Politely, she waited until everyone else had finished before she approached them.

“Little sister, it was so good to see you at the altar tonight praying so sincerely.”

“Yes,” his wife added, “we’ve really had you on our heart today.”

“Little sister,” the evangelist began again, “God, I feel, is calling you to do a very special work for Him. It is something beyond your imagination, and although it will seem at times to overwhelm you, don’t lose hope. Just remember, when it seems that you are in your most desperate hour, just place your trust in Jesus and His power. Don't depend on your own abilities.”

Then, putting his hand on Amanda’s shoulder, he looked her straight in the eye. “Amanda, you will be called upon to do some seemingly superhuman feats, but if you will just put your trust at all times in Jesus, you will overcome. It’s like Peter when God bid him to walk on the water. He was able to do it as long as he kept his eyes on the One he was serving. Keep the faith and you shall walk on the water and do many other exploits for our Savior.”

Amanda thanked them and then turned to her parents who were patiently waiting for her. Taking Matthew, who was sleeping in her mother’s arms, she laid him up on her shoulder and walked to the car. After Amanda had left the building, the evangelist and his wife turned their attention to Amanda’s parents who had been waiting behind her and began to speak quietly with them.

Amanda thanked them and then turned to her parents who were patiently waiting for her. Taking Matthew, who was sleeping in her mother’s arms, she laid him up on her shoulder and walked to the car. After Amanda had left the building, the evangelist and his wife turned their attention to Amanda’s parents who had been waiting behind her and began to speak quietly with them.

Slowly the dreams of the previous night began to reappear in her mind.

Amanda was so deep in thought that she failed to see her mother and father exit the church and walk to the car. As they got in, she noticed the lack of conversation. This was odd for her family. Usually there was a lot of conversation, but this was the second night in a row in which her family had driven home silently. Amanda could see that her dad had something on his mind that was burdening him. This was probably the most serious she had ever seen him. Usually, he was comical, almost like a clown. He liked to laugh and he enjoyed making other people laugh even more. But tonight he was troubled. Her mother, she could tell, had been crying. She didn’t seem mad or hurt, but apprehensive about something.

Amanda finally broke the silence, “Am I in trouble or something?” Simultaneously, both her parents looked at each other, then began to laugh. “Now, I’m really confused,” Amanda confessed, slumping back in her seat.

“Sorry, Amanda, we were both in deep thought. Hey, anyone interested in an ice-cream cone?” Amanda’s father asked.

Glancing back at Amanda, her mother piped in, “You know you never have to ask me twice, and judging by the look on Amanda’s face, I can see she wouldn’t turn one down either right now.”

“I have only one request,” Amanda teased. “We all know how much Matthew gets into his ice cream… well… will someone else be the first one to pick him up when he’s done?”

“Your mother or I will do it,” her dad chuckled, “besides, he doesn’t like my hair, it’s too short.”

A half-hour later, as Amanda was finishing up her banana split, she turned to her dad and asked the question he had hoped the ice cream would drive from her mind. “Why were you and mom so serious when you got into the car?”

“Honey, I think I’ll take Matthew now for you and go get him cleaned up for the ride home.” Quickly, Amanda’s mother picked up Matthew and headed for the ladies’ room.

“Dad?” Amanda asked.

Amanda's dad took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Stirring what was left of his strawberry malt, he began, “I’m not sure how to start this so it may not make much sense at first.” He looked Amanda straight in the eyes. “There’s no doubt that the Lord has chosen you for His service. You know it, Brother Stanton knows it, the evangelist knows it, and your mother and I know it.

“Amanda, even before you were born your mother and I used to put our hands on her belly and pray that God would see fit to use you for His glory. Then at a few weeks of age, we had you dedicated at the church. This was not a custom to us; we meant it. All your life we have tried to raise you in church and teach you the things of God, not only in knowledge, but also in service.

“But now that the day of your calling has come, I must say that your mother and I feel unprepared. You see, we figured your ministry would start after high school or Bible college, not today. And to add even more to our being unprepared, we had in mind that He would call you to be an evangelist’s or a pastor’s wife. You know, a Sunday school teacher or something like that. But tonight, God has shown us that for now, He has something totally different in store for you. It includes not only witnessing and travel, but danger, great danger, as well as adventure. We know God will keep you safe, but you’re still our little girl and we will worry about you. But don’t take the worrying as nonsupport. We will support you 100% in every situation, but your greatest strength will lie in your faith in Jesus Christ and in His power.”

“Dad, what is it that Jesus wants me to do?”

“I don’t know all of the details.” He paused to finish his malt. “I just know that it is different, exciting, adventurous, and dangerous. Possibly even deadly.”

“How will I know what it is or when to start?” Amanda asked.

“When it’s time God will speak.”

Next chapter

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North Central Ohio, U.S.A.
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Last updated August 10, 2004

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