Lorain County Free-Net Chapel

Why Revival Tarries
by Leonard Ravenhill

Leonard Ravenhill

Bethany House Publishers, a ministry of Bethany Fellowship, Inc., has authorized me to put WHY REVIVAL TARRIES on the Internet, one chapter at a time, with one month or four weeks between each chapter's appearance. They have given me the clear stipulation that the preceding chapter should be erased to protect the entire book from being downloaded as a complete entity. You may NOT re-post chapters without permission from the publisher.

I began by uploading the introduction to the book on June 15, 1996, and posted the final chapter on February 16, 1998. More Ravenhill writings will continue on the Ravenhill home page at www.ravenhill.org. The Ravenhill web site is now posting Meat for Men, the book written right after Why Revival Tarries.

We have another book called Black Samson available at http://misslink.org/blacksam.html and also free, children's Bible story lessons available at www.childrenschapel.org

Why Revival Tarries
By Leonard Ravenhill

Chapter 20

Please take me to more Ravenhill writings: English | Spanish

Ravenhill titles you can order from here:

America Is Too Young to Die
Meat for Men
Revival God's Way
Revival Praying
Sodom Had No Bible
Tried and Transfigured
Why Revival Tarries

Spanish titles you can order from here:

La Reconquista de Tu Ciudad
Por Que No Llega El Avivamiento/Why Revival Tarries

How to Subscribe

If you would like to receive Ravenhill sermons by e-mail, simply write Deborah Ravenhill at email@ravenhill.org and let her know.

Copyright © 2024 - The Lorain County Free-Net Chapel
A ministry of The Missing Link, Inc.
Northeast Ohio, U.S.A.

Last updated September 3, 2024

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