Self Help
Change Your Brain Every Day:
Simple Daily Practices to Strengthen Your Mind, Memory, Moods, Focus, Energy, Habits, and Relationships
by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.
Imagine what you could learn by spending every day for a year on a psychiatrist’s couch. In the pages of Change Your Brain Every Day, you’ll get a year’s worth of life-changing daily wisdom from Dr. Amen, one of the world’s most prominent psychiatrists.
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Suddenly Single Mom:
A Practical Guide to Self-Sufficient Survival
by T. J. Terry
T J Terry Publishers
It is an EXCELLENT RESOURCE for single mothers. You'll find it useful professionally as well as the fact
that OVER HALF of all students are from single mom homes; it is helpful to them, too. The author is a well
known keynote speaker and also conducts conferences all over the U.S. called: CELEBRATION OF LIFE.
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Developing the Leaders Around You
by John C. Maxwell
Thomas Nelson
John Maxwell, one of the nation's leading figures in the area of personal and
corporate leadership development, turns his attention to the art of developing
leadership capabilities in the people who surround you. This companion to the bestseller Developing the Leader Within You will help
you increase team and personal productivity by teaching you how to help others
reach their maximum potential.
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Developing the Leader Within You
by John C. Maxwell
Thomas Nelson
Workbook | Spanish
What does it take to make a leader? By examining the differences in leadership
styles, John Maxwell outlines principles for inspiring, motivating, and influencing
others. These principles can be used in any organization to foster integrity and
self-discipline and bring about positive change.
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Changing Your Game Plan from Success to Significance
by Bob Buford, Peter F. Drucker, Terry Whalin
Zondervan Publishing House
According to Bob Buford, the first half of life is a quest for success, the second is
a quest for significance. Bob should know; he has achieved the first and is showing
us the latter. You'll find this book to be unique, inspiring, and practical. Read it and
finish strong!
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Help Me I've Fallen:
And I Can't Get Up
by T. D. Jakes
Pneuma Life Pub
T.D. Jakes explains how and whom to ask for help. In a struggles to regain your
balance, this book is going to be your manuel to recovery! Don't panic…. This is just
a test.
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What to Do Until Love Finds You:
Preparing Yourself for Your Perfect Mate
by Michelle McKinney-Hammond
Harvest House Publishers, Inc.
In this book you'll discover practical steps for healthy, God-centered relationships,
advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of dating and the tools needed to lay a solid,
biblical foundation for true love.
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Hope for the Separated:
Wounded Marriages Can Be Healed
by Gary D. Chapman
Moody Press
The Word of God is active and powerful. It offers the salve needed to heal lives,
and that salve can heal marriages, too. This book shows readers that by following
the proven advice of God's Word they can achieve reconciliation with their mate.
Helpful advice is also extended to those who experience the pain of divorce.
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Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out and Lonely
by Lysa Terkeurst
Thomas Nelson
You can change your tendencies to either fall apart or control the actions of others by adopting healthy ways to process your hurt. You are designed for a love without limits, a love that will never let go.
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Chicken Soup for the Cancer Survivor's Soul
by Jack Canfield (Editor)
Health Communications
For years the inspirational Chicken Soup for the Soul books has been the gift of
choice for the seriously ill and their family and friends. These empowering volumes
not only help individuals confined to bed pass the time enjoyably, the positive
messages they contain actually help patients' healing by improving their attitudes and
putting smiles on their faces. This heartfelt volume contains a special batch of Chicken
Soup devoted stories of people who are beating cancer and finding renewed meaning
in their lives.
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Holding On When You Want to Let Go:
Clinging to Hope When Life Is Falling Apart
by Sheila Walsh
Baker Books
Coming alongside you with compassion and encouragement, Walsh digs into Scripture stories of miracles, rescue, and hope—and shares her own struggles—to shore up your strength.
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Torn Asunder:
Recovering from Extramarital Affairs
by Dave Carder
Moody Press
There is hope for recovery from the devastation of extramarital affairs. In Torn Asunder, Dave Carder provides an overall recovery process from sexual and non-sexual affairs.
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Women and Stress:
Practical Ways to Manage Tension
by Jean Lush, Pam Vredevelt
Examines emotions unique to women and helps them develop practical coping methods. The authors use personal experiences, case studies, and research as a basis for their tried-and-true stress reduction methods.
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Safe People:
How to Find Relationships That Are Good for
You and Avoid Those That Aren't
by Henry, Dr Cloud, John Townsend
Zondervan Publishing House
The authors offer solid guidance for making safe choices in relationships, from
friendships to romance. They help readers identify the nurturing people they need in
their lives--and people they need to learn to avoid.
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The Monster Within:
Overcoming Eating Disorders
by Cynthia Rowland McClure
This is TV journalist Cynthia Rowland McClure's account of her 12-year struggle with bulimia. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, or you know someone who is, this book can help turn things around.
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How Happiness Happens:
Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations
by Max Lucado
Thomas Nelson
Challenging "me first" cultural assumptions, Lucado explores how practical acts of generosity can produce a life of satisfaction and moments of true joy.
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