Missing Link Frequently Asked Questions
“Why the name?”
The Lord Jesus Christ is The Missing Link in every sinner's life. He is the only One who can link them with eternal life. As The Missing Link, we are eager to link every sinner with the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Where are you located?”
We are located in Northeast Ohio, USA, right off the coast of beautiful Lake Erie. (contact information)
“How can I help?”
- Donations of softcover Bibles are always welcome! (Leather or imitation only - hard cover is considered a weapon. We don't care to use paperback editions, because we have found they are quickly destroyed in the prison environment.) We are SORELY in need of Bibles and can never keep up with the demand from chaplains and prisoners. If you know of contacts for Bibles, you could help us immensely by pursuing those leads in our behalf.
- You can help The Missing Link collect information on solid, Christian, residential programs for troubled youth and adults. We need people to help locate these programs worldwide and send us the information on services provided. Please use this special form to collect this data uniformly: Program Info Collection Form
- The Missing Link is a family ministry and it takes a great amount of money to purchase Bibles, Bible studies, and other Christian literature for inmates, not to mention the postage and office expense involved in getting the materials out to inmates. We don't require it, but we'd like to offer you an opportunity to become involved in this ministry in a practical way - perhaps through a love offering. This would really help us out and make it easier for us to provide inmates with the materials they need so very much.
“How are you supported?”
We are not funded by any grants or foundations. Financial support comes from individuals, churches, ministries, and organizations who believe in what we are doing. All gifts are tax deductible and deeply appreciated. You may donate online or by regular postal mail. (See our contact information.)
Or simply use your camera to point and click on the code below for a hands-free donation link.
The Missing Link was founded as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, charitable organization within the State of Ohio in 1983. All contributions are tax-deductible. Federal Tax ID# 34-1390599.
You can help support the family behind this prison and Internet ministry by shopping at their Online Christian Bookstore affiliate. Your support is profoundly appreciated and will save you money.
“How can I find out more?”
You may contact us through one of the methods listed previously and request a recent newsletter, a ministry brochure, a reply envelope for giving, and/or request to be added to our mailing list. Be sure to give us your complete, regular mail address.
Linking Troubled Youth and Adults with Life-Changing Programs
Web site - misslink.org
Chapel Site: misslink.org/chapel2.html
Copyright © 2025 - The Missing Link, Inc. ®
Christian Audio, Books, Gifts, Videos
Last updated February 6, 2025
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