Lorain County Free-Net Teen Chapel

Adventure Series

"The Chosen Ones"
Fiction Adventure Series
by Brian Carlisle

Click here to begin a journey of spell-binding reading!When the Forces of Heaven encounter evil in the world that is affecting the Body of Christ, they do battle if it is Satan and his angels. But if the perpetrator is a man, driven by his own depraved nature, then they call in the "Chosen Ones."

The "Chosen Ones" is a secret Christian organization that is dispatched at heaven's command. Their mission is to stop evil which is endangering the Church. They have two choices: Stop them by conversion...or by force!

Join Amanda, age 16, as she is trained by an angel named Angela, who, in human form, resembles a ten-year-old girl. Then later, the two girls are joined by Benjamin, an 18-year-old missionary's son. Together they will travel the world as they battle lions, dictators, the Russian Mafia, witch doctors, assassins, demons, communists, and terrorists, just for starters!

Book 1 - A Test of Survival

Chapter 1 - Angela

Jesus was sitting on His throne beside His Father listening to the angels’ reports. These were angels who had proven themselves in battle against Satan and had been elevated as leaders over groups of angels. One by one these leaders would approach and give an account of what their company of angels was doing. After hearing a report Jesus would thank this angel for his service and give him instructions to aid him in His service. Then the angel would stand aside and listen to the other angels and their reports.

Although Jesus was all-knowing, He felt that this time of reporting was important for several reasons. Reason number one was communication. These times of reporting allowed for one-on-one contact between the company leaders and Himself. Additionally, it allowed the leaders to have time to converse one with another. Second, it allowed an opportunity for each leader to hear what else was going on in other parts of the world. Third, it reinforced the responsibility of each leader, as he himself had to give an account of his actions to Jesus and then receive instructions personally. Finally, and most importantly, it provided an opportunity for those who had been leading the charge into battle to have a time of refreshing and encouragement.

Jesus was proud of these angels and their dedication to the cause of fighting evil. It didn’t matter where or when or against what odds, these angels were always ready to serve. Because of this, Jesus made sure He gave each leader His full attention and thanked them for their labors.

Now that the leaders of the individual companies were done reporting, the scouts began to give their reports. As Jesus listened, He noticed the look of concern that crossed the faces of many of His company leaders. Report after report was now being given of new hot spots of evil. A rising dictator and hater of believers was trying to seize control of a Latin American nation, archeological finds were being vandalized in an attempt to desecrate the holy places, strange spiritual activity was going on in a South American country, and there was opposition to the evangelical efforts in some of America’s inner cities. Other scouts reported manuscripts (ancient copies of the Bible) being stolen from European museums, a political party trying to close Russia to all Christian activity, and on and on the list went.

When they had finished, every eye was fixed on Jesus as silence filled the air. Then Jesus, addressing the group of scouts, asked, “Are these just isolated incidents of evil or are all these connected to a master plan of Lucifer with his legions of demons doing the work?”

The group of scouts discussed this among themselves for a few moments. When they had finished, one stepped forward. “As far as we can tell, the majority of these are just isolated men who are propelled by greed for money or power that are causing the disturbances,” the angel replied. “There are a few that seem suspicious, but we are unable to tell at this time which they are.”

“Master,” spoke a deep voice. All heads turned to see Samson step out from among the ranks of the leaders and kneel before the throne. He was called Samson because of his size and strength. He was always ready to battle evil and could always be depended upon to do his job faithfully. “Would you like for my company and me to go take care of a few of these hot spots?”

Jesus looked down at Samson. “Samson, what are our rules of engaging in battle?”

Samson knew the answer. He had been down this road before. “If it is Satanic activity involving the demons of our adversary, we will engage the evil spiritual forces. If it is a human, led by greed, jealousy, etc., the engagement will be carried out by a human believer called a ‘Chosen One’ and we will assist when necessary.”

Samson quickly added, “My Lord, I feel that some of these situations, being as serious as they are, warrant our intervention and…”

At this point, Jesus raised His hand and Samson knew it was time to quit talking and to start listening.

“Samson, you are right that these are serious problems, but until it can be determined that the forces of hell are present, then we will send a believer who is capable of handling these situations, a ‘Chosen One’, with a little help. I have already chosen one and her calling has already been put into progress. Now, everyone take what you have heard here and return to your companies and encourage them. Now go!”

Samson, as did the other angels, turned and swiftly became airborne. He was already speeding away when he glanced back and saw Angela, the smallest of all the angels, walking toward the throne of Jesus. Out of curiosity Samson paused in flight and watched the little angel approach the throne and kneel. She was only about 4’ tall and weighed approximately 60 pounds. She had long, sandy brown hair and was by human standards a beautiful child, although Samson knew she was as old as he, thousands of years old. As she knelt, Samson noticed that Angela was dressed in human clothes and carried her now famous staff in her hand.

Jesus bid her stand and they began to talk.

“Have you observed the one that I have chosen?” Jesus asked the little angel.

“Yes, my Lord, and I believe she’ll do wonderfully. She is so sincere as well as knowledgeable of your Word. I am looking forward to working with her, and I have faith that together we will accomplish the tasks You have chosen for us.”

“Angela, do not fail to realize the danger you will be facing. Although over the next few days she will only be in training, there still remains the danger of death,” Jesus cautioned her.

“I will be cautious and ready at all times.”

angel Angela suddenly spun around and readied her staff. Standing there was Samson with hands raised. Smiling, he cried, “Whoa, little tiger! I come in peace. Besides, I know better than to tangle with you and that staff of yours.”

Then, turning to face Jesus, Samson added, “Lord, may I ask a question?”

Jesus nodded his approval.

Looking serious, Samson walked over to stand beside Angela before speaking, “Jesus, are you planning to send this little angel, who is not even as tall as my sword is long, who only carries a stick as a weapon and often poses as a 10 or 11 year old child, to do a job as serious as this?” He could feel Angela staring up at him and he felt the anger rising in her.

“Yes, I am,” Jesus answered, suppressing a smile.

“Then I’d like to go on record as saying that I feel You could not have chosen a better warrior to do the job.”

Angela lightly rapped Samson on the knee with her staff. “I thought I was going to have to whip up on you again.” She was playfully reminding him of the time he had questioned her ability to fight, so she had challenged him to a duel. In a matter of moments Samson had found himself sprawled out on his back with Angela standing on his chest. He was unable to move because she had the sharp end of her staff pressed into his neck. Not only had Angela won his respect, but his friendship. Many times since then when Samson would lead a hand-picked company into a tough battle, he would pick Angela first, knowing firsthand her ability.

“Sorry to spoil your fun,” Jesus broke in, “but Angela, it’s time for you to start your mission. Always be alert. Not only is this a test for the one I’ve chosen, but you will be placed in some very dangerous situations. Just remember what I’ve told you.”

“I’ll remember and I’ll be careful,” Angela cut in. She, too, was ready to begin the training.

“Angela,” Jesus spoke firmly, “I caution you because in this training you will have to face Satan in battle…”

This was no trivial warning and she knew it. But the next word sent a tingle of fear racing through her spirit, and she saw the same reaction happening in Samson when Jesus finished his warning, “Alone.”

She would have to face Satan alone. Angela nodded her head in understanding, then left without speaking another word.

As Samson watched her leave, he silently whispered, “Take care little angel.”


This brought Samson’s attention back to Jesus who was staring off into the heavens as if He was watching a future event.
“Samson, stay here with me. Angela is going to be needing us.”

There were a few moments of silence before He finished His thought. Then He fastened His eyes on Samson.

“Samson, there is a chance that Angela will not survive this assignment.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SatanMeanwhile, in the darkest depths of hell, Satan was having a meeting with his instruments of evil. Angel after fallen angel walked up to him and gave their reports, the majority of which were negative accounts of how they had been repeatedly beaten back by the forces of Heaven. It seemed the only reports that were favorable to his side were the ones where men and their evilness were directly involved.
“It seems that in order for us to gain any ground in our fight against God and His Heavenly angels, we have to empower men once they have chosen evil over good,” Satan fired off at his demons. “What does the leader of those forces have to say?”

“ Master, I am in full agreement with you on using man as our method of advancing our cause. As you know, Jesus will rarely send His angels to do battle if the source of evil is of man’s choosing.” The demon slithered. “We’ve used this tactic before and we have always had good success with it. Lately I’ve been diverting more of our resources to this very cause and it is serving us well.”

“ Are there any drawbacks to this plan?” Satan inquired. “Can we be defeated?”

“Sire, it is not 100 % successful, but we do come out the victors the majority of the time.”

Satan was starting to take great interest in this field of evil. He had forgotten how effective this area of wickedness was. “What can we do to increase our victories?”

“ Eliminate the ‘Chosen Ones.’ As you know, whenever there is a Christian involved, we always have problems. But when Jesus sends a ‘Chosen One’ in to stop us, then our chance of failure greatly increases,” the demon snarled.

“ When a ‘Chosen One’ enters the fray we almost always lose,” another demon sulked.

Satan was well aware of the ‘Chosen Ones’. “How many of these warriors exist?”

“We don’t know exactly. But we speculate that there are only a few. However, Heaven is always trying to recruit more. Fortunately, we have found that the more we tie the young Christians to the world, the fewer Jesus has to choose from.”

“It would be great if we could entangle every youth with the cares of this world so there would never be another ‘Chosen One’ to battle against us,” another demon threw in.

“ Wishful thinking,” Satan muttered He knew that there would always be new Christians that he couldn’t influence, but he would try to stop as many of them as he was able. “We must divert more of our resources to further reduce the number of potential warriors.”

“Sire,” another demon stepped forward, “while on this topic, I need to report that there has been a lot of angelic activity around a certain young girl. Judging from her untainted life and the attention being paid to her, I believe she will be picked to join the ‘Chosen One’ organization.”

Satan stood to his feet. “Can anyone verify this report?”

“I can.” The voice came from a dark figure in the shadows. It was Satan’s number one warrior, Fear. He hated the cause of Christ just as much as Satan did.

“Speak up, my friend,” Satan requested.

“We have also had a lot of angelic activity near the City of Deception. It has been my guess that a ‘Chosen One’ will be taken there to be tested, and judging from what I have just heard, then I too, believe that Jesus will be recruiting a new ‘Chosen One’ immediately.”

Satan pondered what he had heard. Picking up his sword he snarled, “What arrogance! Bringing a trainee to my favorite city of wickedness to be tested. Well, we’ll just increase the intensity of the test a little.” Satan turned and started out of the meeting room.

“Where are you going, my lord?” several demons asked their master.

“To see that this ‘Chosen One’ not only fails her test, but dies while failing it. This time I will not send mere demons to do battle with this ‘Chosen One’.” Satan paused as he started transforming into a different shape. “I shall kill her myself!” he growled.

Following his example, the demons began transforming themselves as he had done. Then they fell into line behind him.

“Make no mistake, for this time Hell will win!” Satan roared.

Next chapter

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North Central Ohio, U.S.A.
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Last updated August 10, 2004

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